When most people think “coffee”, they think of Colombia – and with good reason, as Colombia is the world’s 2nd largest producer of Arabica coffees. Our Colombian CO2 decaf, an Especiale bean, is shade-grown in Colombia’s Bucaramanga region. Bucaramanga in located in the mountainous northeastern department of Santander, in north central Colombia. Our Especiale beans are naturally 99.5% decaffeinated through a patented process that allows the beans to retain greater taste and aroma than most decafs. These beans tend to be softer and more delicate than most Colombians, almost taking on the quality of a gentle, slightly acidic Sumatran. Our Colombian CO2 decaf is full city roasted to create a full-bodied brew with a sweet, nutty base, and spicy close. This brew is will forever change your opinion of decaf! Colombian CO2 decaf is UTZ Certified.