Please select order frequency from the menu below. Subscription orders must be purchased with a credit card. A one time purchase under $50.00 does not qualify for free shipping.
Sign up for a Monthly Office Subscription and you'll never miss an opportunity to try our favorite and featured coffees! You can either select the coffees you would like to receive or let us choose for you. Each month, you will receive 1, 2, or 3 5lb. bag(s) of our featured coffee(s). If you already have a favorite brew and would like to receive that coffee each month, we can do that too. Are you ready to join but don't know how much coffee you need? Click here to view basic guidelines that will help you determine how many bags you need to stay stocked all month. Corporate subscribers will receive a 10% off coupon to share with employees.
Note: Your credit card will be billed once every 30 days until you request that we cancel your subscription. To cancel your subscription, you must email info@thequeenbean at least 10 days prior to the next billing date. If you are unsure of your bill date, please contact us. Subscriptions may not be canceled prior to 10 days before the fourth billing period. Credit cards must be used for placing subscription orders.